Transparent Labs Prebiotic Greens is a powerful health drink that is based on nutritious natural ingredients. Offering athletes and body builders a powerful performance-boosting nutritional product, Transparent Labs Prebiotic Greens offer a fibre-based drink that offers a combination of mineral dense vegetables. Targeting the gut-flora, Transparent Labs Prebiotic Greens provides a boost to the performance of athletes.
About Transparent Labs
Transparent Labs has established itself as one of the most esteemed manufacturer of sports supplement products. Built on an ethos of delivering science-backed nutritional and supplementary products, Transparent Labs takes a number of precautions in order to ensure that its ingredients are of the very highest quality.
As its name suggests, transparency is at the heart of everything that Transparent Labs does, with the company priding itself on delivering 100% formula transparency. Supporting research and scientific studies are also always offered, while its products deliver athletic performance improvement at clinically effective dosages.
Are you getting enough greens in your diet? Should you take supplements?
Over the last few decades, the principle that nutrition is absolutely fundamental to health has become far more established in mainstream medicine. And during this period it has also become evident that many people are consuming a diet that is far from ideal.
Indeed, deficiencies in nutrients are commonplace across even the wealthy Western world. For example, the Dietary Reference Intakes Study found that nutrient deficiencies are rife in the United States, with 92% of the population suffering from at least one mineral or vitamin deficiency.
Considering that fruit and vegetables are the primary source of minerals and vegetables in nutrition, this indicates that many people clearly aren't getting enough greens, or other healthy foodstuffs, within their diet. While addressing this with food is certainly advisable, supplementing diet in order to ensure a better distribution of nutrients can also be highly beneficial.
Thus, products such as Transparent Labs Prebiotic Greens become highly valuable, even to those simply seeking an ideal nutritional balance.
Ingredient profile
There are two primary active ingredients included in Transparent Labs Prebiotic Greens. The first of these is algae greens. In particular, rich spirulina and chlorella are included in the Greens mix, providing vitamins, minerals, proteins, and detoxication from heavy metals.
Numerous scientific studies indicate that spirulina and chlorella offer outstanding nutritional qualities, and indeed on a gram-by-gram basis are the equal of any other nutritional substance.
The second key ingredient included in Transparent Labs Prebiotic Greens is prebiotic fibres. Each serving of prebiotic greens contains three grams organic of acacia fiber, three grams of organic green banana flour, and a single gram of organic Jerusalem artichoke fiber.
Collectively, the inclusion of these substances ensure that the guts of those taking Transparent Labs Prebiotic Greens remain healthy and well-balanced. The substance helps to maximise the utilisation of nutrients in the digestive system by optimising the microbiome, and having a consequently positive influence on all aspects of your digestive tract.
Transparent Labs Prebiotic Greens is also free from gluten, further aiding its digestive properties.
Serving size
Those using Transparent Labs Prebiotic Greens are entirely free to choose their own portion sizes. But Transparent Labs itself recommends taking a single serving of the substance, with 8-10 ounces of water, on a daily basis. This is equivalent to approximately 15 grams.
Similarly, this serving can be taken at any point during the day, but many elect to consume the product first thing in the morning, in order to kickstart what will then be a healthy day. Many athletes and bodybuilders that take Transparent Labs Prebiotic Greens follow up their usage of the product with a morning workout.
There are 30 servings included within each container of Transparent Labs Prebiotic Greens, and the nutritional breakdown for the product is as follows:
- Total Fat - 0mg
- Cholesterol - 0mg
- Sodium - 75mg
- Total Carbohydrates - 11g
- Sugar - <1g
- Protein - 3.3g
- Iron - 0.5mg
The biggest advantage of Transparent Labs Prebiotic Greens is that it it is entirely based on natural ingredients, meaning that there are no added flavours, colourings, or other unnatural chemicalised substances included.
It is also possible to mix Transparent Labs Prebiotic Greens with any beverage of choice, even though it is primarily designed to be flavoured and mixed with water.
Transparent Labs Prebiotic Greens is also ideally formulated to ensure that nutritional supplementation is balanced with gut health. This is extremely important, as the intestinal microbiome is considered increasingly important in general well-being.
Prebiotics Greens also benefits from the vast experience of Transparent Labs in the supplement field.
Transparent Labs Prebiotic Greens is available for $36 per tub, although the manufacturer offers a 10% discount on first orders and free shipping if your order exceeds $99.00.
What are customers saying?
Transparent Labs Prebiotic Greens has received a lot of positive comments from a wide range of customers. This nutritional product has been widely praised, with many customers indicating that it has exceeded any previous greens product that they have purchased.
The taste of the Prebiotic Greens substance has also received commendation, with many people commenting that it creates a rather pleasant impression, regardless of the liquid that the beverage is mixed with.
Many users of Transparent Labs Prebiotic Greens have also noted the quick results that it has achieved, while the blend of entirely natural ingredients has also been appreciated by consumers.